
Early Life. I was born in the small village of Manimala in Kottayam District, Kerala India. Speaking about my family, let me borrow the words of St. Little Flower: The good God gave me a father and mother more worthy of heaven than of earth. My parents, Thomas and Annamma, are very traditional Catholic parents. They planted and kept the seeds of faith within me. Even today, I strongly believe that their faith, prayers, and sacrifices are the real strength of my life. I am the eldest son of my family. I have a brother and two sisters. I had all my school education in my mother tongue, Malayalam. Childhood hardship never disappointed me.
Divine Call /Chosen. After my high school studies, I joined the Little Flower Congregation in 1990. The founder of the Congregation is Rev. Fr. Basicilius Panat CST. The heavenly patroness of the congregation is St. Therese of Lisieux, who is generally known as Little Flower. After fourteen years of formation, I became a priest on 3 rd January 2004. I have chosen as my motto: By the grace of God, I am what I am.
Educational Qualifications. I hold a Bachelor of Philosophy, Bachelor of Theology, Bachelor of Education, as well as Post-graduate studies in Education and in Sociology.
Life as a Teacher. During the first year of my priesthood, I was entrusted with the financial responsibility of our novitiate house. Next, I was asked to serve for ten years as the founding principal of a new school known as Little Flower School, Kaur, Tamilnadu. For next three years I was appointed as the Novice Master of the CST Fathers of the St. Thomas Province.
Life as a Shepherd. To understand and learn from a new culture and do my priestly ministry, in 2018 God chose me to work in the Diocese of Baker. For one year, I worked as the administrator of St. Edward the Martyr church in Sisters. Then, in July 2019, Most Reverend Bishop Liam Cary entrusted me with the
responsibility of pastor of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church and St. Peter Catholic School Ontario. I am here for you. Let us work together, together we can make a difference.
By the grace of God, I am what I am.