St. Peter Catholic School program offers a fun, nurturing environment for learning.  Our Pre-K program promotes early literacy and language development, positive social interaction, enrichment through library, physical education and music, and developmentally appropriate learning opportunities through a thematic curriculum.   Here, children discover, learn to love learning and flourish.


Children participate in daily prayer. We use the “Who Am I?” Image of God Series Curriculum to share stories from the Bible and the life of Jesus Christ with the children. These are wonderful tools to help them experience the faith and life like experiences of Jesus Christ.

Communication and Listening Skills

The children engage in many opportunities to communicate and relate in positive dialogue with one another. They learn to be respectful listeners, as well as participate in public speaking in front of their peers through weekly “Show and Teach” in the classroom.


We focus on developing and understanding whole numbers, including one-to-one correspondence, counting, comparisons, identifying shapes, spatial relationships and measurements.

Language and Literacy

Students are provided with a literacy-rich environment to promote listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. 


The children engage in interesting experiences that show concepts of weight, light, cause and effect, as well as skills in prediction, observation, classification experimentation and communication that relate to them and the world around them.

Creative Curriculum with Conscious Discipline