
  • Use parts of a book (table of contents, chapter titles, index, etc.) to locate information.
  • Interpret information from charts, diagrams and graphs.
  • Read informational text to locate specific information.
  • Be able to connect information found in text to other known information or experiences.
  • Retell the sequence of events in a story.
  • Identify and describe the setting, plot and characters in a story.
  • Describe the cause and effect of specific events in a story.
  • Make connections between texts.
  • Read regular multi-syllabic words.
  • Use letter-sound correspondence knowledge to sound out unknown words.
  • Read aloud grade-level text fluently and accurately with appropriate intonation and expression using cues of punctuation to assist.
  • By the end of the second grade, read aloud unpracticed, grade-level text, at a target rate of 90-100 words correct per minute.

Listen To and Read Informational and Narrative Text

  • Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of grade-level informational and narrative text including children’s magazines and newspapers, dictionaries, other reference materials, online information, poetry, classic and contemporary literature.
  • Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex text through discussions.
  • Draw upon a variety of comprehension strategies as needed.
  • Reread sentences when meaning is not clear.
  • Read voluntarily for interest and your own purposes.


  • Understand, learn, and use new vocabulary.
  • Determine meanings of words by using a dictionary or glossary.

Read to Perform a Task

  • Read written directions, signs, captions, warning labels, and informational books.
  • Use titles, tables of contents, and chapter headings to locate information in text.
  • Interpret information from diagrams, charts, and graphs.

 Informational Text

  • Read informational texts for answers to specific questions or for specific purposes.
  • Recall facts and details in the text to clarify and organize ideas.
  • Pose possible answers to how, why, and what-if questions.
  • Connect the information in text to life experiences, text, and world.
  • Connect and compare information across selections.


  • Listen to and read text to make connections and respond to  significant works of children’s literature from a variety of cultures and time periods.
  • Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex literary text through discussions.
  • Retell the sequence of the story.
  • Identify and describe the plot, setting, and character(s) in the story.
  • With guidance, make reasonable judgments about what to include in written compositions.
  • Group related ideas to maintain a consistent focus.
  • Develop an idea with an introductory sentence, supporting sentence(s), and a concluding sentence.


Conventions for spelling, grammar, punctuation and handwriting

  • Spell correctly words which are used frequently but do not fit common spelling patterns.
  • Spell correctly words with short and long vowel sounds, r-controlled vowels, and consonant-blend patterns.
  • Spell correctly previously studied words and spelling patterns in own writing.
  • Represent all sounds in a word when spelling independently.
  • Identify and correctly write various parts of speech, including nouns and verbs.
  • Form letters correctly and space words and sentences properly so that printing can be read easily by another person.
  • Plan, draft and revise an original piece of writing.
  • Understand the purposes of various reference materials.
  • Find ideas for writing in pictures and/or books.

Listening & Speaking

  • Tell experiences in logical order.
  • With guidance, report on a topic with supportive facts and details.
  • Speak clearly and at an appropriate pace for the type of communication (e.g., informal discussion, report to class).
  • Determine the purpose of listening (e.g., to obtain information, to solve problems, for enjoyment).
  • Ask for clarification and explanation of stories and ideas.
  • Give and follow three-and four-step oral directions.


  • Listen and retell stories of Jesus’ life in own words.
  • Participate in frequent prayer experiences using a variety of formats( formal and spontaneous).
  • Relate learning to real life experiences.
  • Discuss and raise questions about doctrine.
  • Respond creatively to lessons learned (e.g. role play, writing plays, etc.).
  • Actively participate in liturgical/sacramental celebrations.
  • Examine conscience in light of doctrine.
  • Live out concept of stewardship.
  • Explain the meaning of major feasts in the Church.
  • Demonstrate appropriate behavior and gestures for Mass.
  • Know signs of the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation.
  • Know the name of the current Pope and Bishop.
  • Participate in service opportunities.
  • Visit the parish church.
  • Express gratitude for the gift of God’s Son through prayer.
  • Treat others with respect and love.
  • Know the Pastor/Pastoral Ministers by name.
  • Experience the faith community of the classroom/school/parish/community.
  • Know and recite prayers appropriate to grade level.
  • Pray spontaneously in own words.


Number and Operations

  • Write, compare, and order whole numbers to 1000.
  • Understand and apply base-ten numeration, and count in multiples on one, two, five, ten, and one hundred.
  • Compose and decompose whole numbers less than one thousand by place value (e.g., 426 as 4 hundreds + 2 tens + 6 ones and 400 + 20 + 6).
  • Use place value and properties of operations to find and use equivalent representations of numbers (such as 35 represented by 35 ones, 3 tens and 5 ones, or 2 tens and 15 ones).

Number and Operations and Algebra

  • Apply, with fluency, sums to 20 and related subtraction facts.
  • Solve multi-digit whole number problems by applying various meanings (e.g. taking away, and comparing) and models (e.g., combining or separating sets, using number lines, and hundreds charts) of addition and subtraction.
  • Develop fluency with efficient procedures for adding and subtracting multi-digit whole numbers and understand why the procedures work on the basis of place value and number properties.
  • Select and apply efficient methods to estimate sums and differences or calculate them mentally depending on the numbers and context involved.
  • Determine the value of mixed collections of coins to $1.00.


  • Determine length by finding the total number of equal-length units that are placed end-to-end without gaps or overlaps.
  • Apply concepts of partitioning (the mental activity of slicing the length of an object into equal-sized units) and transitivity (e.g., if object A is longer than object B and object B is longer than object C, then object A is longer than object C).
  • Demonstrate an understanding that using different measurement units will result in different numerical measurements for the same object.
  • Use the measurement process:  choose an appropriate measurement unit, compare that unit to the object, and report the number of units.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of time and use of time relationships (e.g., how many minutes in an hour, days in a week, and months in a year).
  • Tell time in increments of five minutes using analog and digital clocks.


Structure and Function

  • Compare and contrast characteristics and behaviors of plants and animals and the environments where they live.

Interaction and Change

  • Compare and contrast how objects and materials respond to magnetic forces.
  • Describe life cycles of living things.
  • Observe and record the patterns of apparent movement of the sun and the moon.
  • Record and summarize daily and seasonal temperature changes.

Scientific Inquiry

  • Observe, measure, and record properties of objects and substances using simple tools to gather data and extend the senses.
  • Make predictions about living and non-living things and events in the environment based on observed patterns.
  • Make, describe, and compare observations, and organize recorded data.

Engineering Design

  • Use tools to construct a simple designed structure out of common objects and materials.
  • Work with a team to complete a designed structure that can be shared with others.
  • Describe an engineering design that is used to solve a problem or address a need.

Science In Personal & Social Perspectives

  • Describe how people’s actions have an effect on others / the environment.
  • Understand that scientific developments help keep us healthy.
  • Understand the importance of recycling and its impact on the environment.



Civics & Government

  • Identify essential ideas and values expressed in national symbols, heroes, and patriotic songs of the United States.
  • Identify rights that people have in their communities.
  • Identify ways that people can participate in their communities and the responsibilities of participation. Understand that limited resources make economic choices necessary.
  • Identify ways of making money to buy a desired product and what it will cost in time and energy for each option.


  • Understand calendar time sequences and chronological sequences within narratives.
  • Understand events from local history.

Social Science Analysis

  • Identify an issue or problem that can be studied.
  • Gather information relating to an issue or problem.
  • Identify and compare different ways of looking at an event, issue or problem.
  • Identify how people or other living things might be affected by an event, issue, or problem.
  • Identify possible options or responses; then make a choice or express an opinion.


  • Use experiences, imagination, essential elements and organizational principles to achieve a desired effect when creating, presenting and/or performing works of art.
  • Explore aspects of the creative process and the effect of different choices on one’s work.
  • Create, present and/or perform a work of art that demonstrates an idea, mood or feeling.
  • Describe how one’s own work reveals knowledge of the arts, orally and in writing.
  • Recognize essential elements, organizational principles and aesthetic effects in works of art.
  • Reflect and communicate about one’s own art work verbally and in writing.
  • Identify and describe personal preferences connected with viewing or listening to a work or art using terminology that conveys knowledge of the arts.
  • Identify the disciplines used in an integrated work of art.
  • Describe how art from the student’s community reflects the artist’s environment and culture
  • Describe how the arts serve a variety of purposes in the student’s life, community and culture.
  • Recognize how the arts can influence an individual’s life.


  • Practice exercises which develop strength, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance.
  • Show enjoyment and participate in a variety of physical activities.
  • Identify basic fitness concepts.